Friday, May 4, 2012

The Benefits of Having at Home Hemoglobin Test Meters

Nowadays, people don't need to go to the hospital or a medical lab for hemoglobin testing. Today, we can purchase a hemoglobin test meter for home use and perform the test ourselves. An Hemoglobin test meter is an instrument that can be used to find out whether people have too much or too little hemoglobin in their body. With a test meter, you can check on your CBC and other components of the blood.

A hemoglobin test meter helps in the diagnosis and management of certain medical disorders involving blood count, for example, anemia. These test meter instruments are being sold to medical laboratories and supposed to be used by professionals only. Doctors, however, can also make use of the professional hand-held versions of these meters. Patients can already avail of less expensive meters they can use at home whenever they need to check their hemoglobin for the day.

Hemoglobin is a protein contained in the blood that distributes oxygen in the body. A normal adult's body should contain hemoglobin levels of about 12 to 18 gs. per dl. The hemoglobin level is usually a little lower for pregnant women. A healthy child's hemoglobin level is between 11 and 16 grams per deciliter. If the hemoglobin tester came up with levels below the normal values, it can signal the existence of anemia. When the test meter comes up with higher levels of hemoglobin, it can be the person has a heart condition or possibly dehydrated. The human body has three types of blood cells. We know these to be the red and white cells and the platelets. Hemoglobin is carried by the red blood cell. When a person has exceedingly few red cells in his blood he or she is anemic.

People can now buy the hemoglobin test meter of the in home use type at not more than $30 and it works just like the standard versions that are used by the professionals. It is essential to monitor your hemoglobin levels especially if you suffer from anemia because this is a very serious condition. Hemoglobin levels are subject to several risk factors and that is why some patients need to test their hemoglobin at varying times within the same day. The doctor might want his patient to gather data for a better evaluation and management of his condition. An in-home hemoglobin test meter can produce the hemoglobin readout 20 minutes later. You simply have to feed it with a single drop of your blood. These devices are usually accompanied with a lancet that is used to prick the finger for a blood sample, which is later fed into the meter.

A lot of other medical conditions  such as cancer, HIV, rheumatoid arthritis, kidney and heart problems can be verified  and monitored through hemoglobin testing on suspected patients and they don't have to spend so much for the laboratory procedures. There is no doubt the hemoglobin test meter is helping to save people's lives.

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